Updated many things. First, I added a
Banner Exchange.. Next, I updated HTML Editor to v1.3 for increasing the textarea width and adding a "Select All" function. -June 3.
Two things. Created Typing Pro v1.0 . For IE4+ users, you may have seen the top pull down menu on the main page. That pull down menu serves as the new navigational object. -June 8.
Welcome to this page! This page is a page where ANY programmers can look up stuff on programming. The current programming language available is JavaScript,TI calculators (BASIC and Z80), and MS-DOS. You are free to View the Source Code unless specified. Please Have fun!
Your browser must support JavaScript and Frames in order to view this page. (Some pages only work with IE4+ only.) I reccomend using Internet Explorer v4.0 or higher as your browser because IE4 is my browser and all web pages were tested using IE4. This page was viewed
Please note that this page just started, therefore there isn't that much content to this page.