This is a little HTML viewer, to see
what happens when you do something in HTML.
You cannot save this file directly on the web.You must save it on a different word processing program, such as NotePad, or Microsoft Word.
Click on Preview
to see the page.Once in a while you will see
a JavaScript error, but keep on running the script
because nothing is wrong anyways. Clicking on Fast preview will display HTML faster but only text and images can be previews.Frames are possible even though not reccomanded. The "iframe" tag is recommanded to be used for frames rather than using the old "frame" tag.The CSS Style Generator might be useful in creating CSS formed objects. The CSS Generator is avialiable on the bottom of this page for users with IE4+ so that you do not need to open a new window in order to goto the CSS Style Genearator. Users beside IE4+ will need to click on the "Open CSS Generator" button in order to open the CSS Generator within this page. If you are using IE4+ or NS4+, the editor will automatically select the best size for your current browser.